Careers In Construction
Objective: Students will be able to identify various types of jobs in the construction industry, learn about the skills required for each job, and recognise the myths/misconceptions about working in the industry.
Materials needed:
- Careermap for Primary Poster – Careers in Construction
- Careermap for PrimaryPowerPoint slides – Careers in Construction
- Whiteboard and markers
- Large paper and markers
- Introduction (5 minutes):
- Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever thought about careers in construction.
- Explain that today, they will be learning about different careers in the construction industry.
Activity 1: Construction Jobs
- Show the students the poster and PowerPoint displaying various jobs in the construction industry.
- Explain how the different roles apply to the construction industry
- Explain to students that these jobs are just a few examples of the many careers available in the construction industry.
- Ask the students to think about any other roles that might be related to the construction industry
Activity 2: Construction Roles Research
- Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a construction career to research. Have the groups create a poster or presentation about their assigned career. Including what the job entails what type of person is best suited for the role, what education, skills or training is required, and any interesting facts.
- After the groups have finished their posters or presentations, have them present to the class.
- Ask students to think about more skills that may be linked to the industry using the whiteboard
Activity 3: Myths/Misconceptions
- Ask students if they have heard any myths or misconceptions about working in the construction industry.
- Ask the students to think about the posters they put together. Did they base any skills needed on gener?
- Discuss with the students how gender stereotypes can affect people’s beliefs about what jobs they can or cannot do.
- Ask the students to think about a construction job that they think is typically done by one gender. Have the students brainstorm reasons why someone of a different gender might be just as good at that job.
- Recap the different construction careers the students learned about and discuss which ones they found the most interesting.
- Discuss how different skills are important in the construction industry and how these skills can be applied to other areas of life.
- Remind the students that anyone can pursue a career in the construction industry despite any misconceptions.