Integrate career-related learning in your primary school’s curriculum to inspire young minds.

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We Aim to

Break barriers to careers that are gender stereotyped

Improve social mobility, promote diversity & inclusion in the workplace

Encourage discussions from an early age to dispel misconceptions

Bridge the labour shortage and skills gap

Dream Big Day was a really enjoyable event at our school. It opened up the children’s eyes to the many opportunities in the world of work as well as the different journeys you can take to get there. There was lots of fun and dressing up as well as tackling serious issues around gender stereotypes in the workplace. We cannot wait to hold the event again next year
Bev Sheppard
Deputy Head, The Deans Primary School


Friday 28th June 2024

We bring schools, careers professionals and businesses together to give primary pupils across the country a day full of activities, information and experiences, inspiring the next generation to explore their potential and careers of the future.

Your Dream Big Day will open minds, start discussions and build children’s confidence in their plans for their futures. Save the date and sign up for the day for free exciting resources, tips for your own Dream Big Day day, lesson and assembly ideas – and much more!

Careermag for Primary

Careermag for Primary is packed full of ideas, information and activities which support teachers, parents and carers in those important first conversations about children’s futures.

An interactive, online and fully downloadable publication, Careermag for Primary provides all you need to start talking about careers, open children’s minds and encourage the aspirations of the next generation.

Including lesson plans to make your DREAM BIG DAY special and easy to organise.

Don't miss a thing!

Join us to stay updated on DREAM BIG DAY and Careermag for Primary! Receive exclusive access to exciting primary school resources, events, and insights from our trusted partners. Save the date: 28th June 2024.